While not as comprehensive as the photo archives, the Lyco Choir has video from many eras of the choir – even footage from the 1957 and 1974 England tours! Videos are divided into the main chronological periods that exist in the available footage. Want to see more video? Either send your video to us, or upload it and let us know!
*Note: Section is a work in progress. Please check back; we're working on uploading much more!



Extremely large section with many concerts from recent years, including Tour Choir, Chamber Choir, and full choir concerts, Christmas Candlelight Services, Music Galas, and Graduation Concerts.

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Includes clips from the 2000 Europe tour, the choir's national TV appearances on "The Hour of Power" and at Coral Ridge Presbyterian, the 2003 Graduation concert, the 2005 Homecoming concert, and the 2005 60th anniversary reunion weekend.

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1990s late


Otherwise known as the "Jennica and Krista" video era, includes many videos from 1995-1998, including the 1997 Europe tour and selections from the 1996 alumni/Fauré 50th anniversary Graduation concert.

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1990s early

EARLY 1990s

Includes clips from the 1994 Europe tour, as well as the 1992 on-campus reunion of 1970s choir alums with Walter McIver.

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LATE 1980s

Two main sections here: selections from two tour choir concerts in 1987 (kindly provided by Pam Wildonger), and a video of the 1989 choir that was produced at Lycoming.

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Quite amazingly, we have reel-to-reel film of both the 1957 and 1974 tours to England with Dr. Walter McIver!

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